Month: April 2023

12 April 2023

A Day in Caravan Life with New Friends

Our first camping trip with our new caravan started off very rainy and it has continued to rain ever since. However, during our one month stay, we met some new friends from Germany. David and Julia are traveling the world with their motorhome, and they have an adorable one-year-old son. Our daughter Mila enjoyed playing with him and pretended to be his big sister, always […]

11 April 2023

If condition and function with parameters in Bash

You can write own functions in terminal. I show you an example in zshrc in MacOs. You can use if you you use bashrc or zshrc in any os. Function sample: Now if you write `myFunction umut` in terminal it’s print “umut”. If you want to one more parameter you can space and write new parameter and you can show that with $2 If condition […]